11735 |
Metrodoros |
Notion (Ionia)
pentathlon: ___
Notion 15
11734 |
[athlete] |
Athens (Attica)
?: ?
Farrington (2012), no. 1.71
-338 |
-250 |
IG II(2), 3140
11733 |
Athens (Attica)
?: ?
I.Délos 2602
11732 |
Kriton |
Elaious (Thracian Chersonesus)
running: lampas (epi bomon)
I.Délos 2602
11731 |
Apollodoros |
Naxos (Aegean)
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 145
Mannheim ID 1071
I.Délos 1958
11730 |
Herakleites |
Marathon (Attica)
running: lampas
Mannheim ID 1070
I.Délos 1953
11729 |
Anaxipolis |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1161
11728 |
Tlesimenes |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1158
11727 |
Euenor |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1157
11726 |
Diodotos |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: lampas
Mannheim ID 904
I.Délos 1950
11725 |
Pindaros |
Chios (Chios)
running: lampas
I.Délos 2597
11724 |
Philombrotos |
Halicarnassus (Caria)
other: eutaxia
other: philoponia
Moretti (1997), p. 145
I.Délos 1958
11723 |
Olympos |
Athens (Attica)
running: lampas
Mannheim ID 762
I.Délos 1952
11722 |
[D]emolutos |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1160
11721 |
Demolutos |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1159
11720 |
Herakleides |
Nikomedia (Bithynia)
running: dromos
I.Délos 2597
11719 |
Kriton |
Elaious (Thracian Chersonesus)
running: lampas
Mannheim ID 623
I.Délos 1951
11718 |
Athenis |
running: lampas
SEG 12.357
11717 |
running: lampas
SEG 12.356
11716 |
[D]ekm[os Rhom]aios |
Rome (Italy)
running: lampas
Mannheim ID 290
I.Délos 1955
11715 |
Quintus |
Rhegium (Italy)
running: lampas
I.Délos 2597
11714 |
Gaius |
Neapolis (Italy)
running: lampas (epi bomon)
I.Délos 2601
11713 |
Eumenes |
Athens (Attica)
other: philoponia
Moretti (1997), p. 145
I.Délos 1958
I.Délos 2605
11712 |
Polyxenos |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1157
11711 |
Apollonios |
Kaunos (Caria)
riding: hippos (polikos)
Bruneau (1970), p. 82
Robert (1984), no. 68
Moretti (1953), p. 137
Mannheim ID 533
Bean (1953), 31
I.Kaunos 61
11710 |
[Hermon Thr]asydeios |
Thrasydeios |
Elea (Italy)
running: lampas
Perrin-Saminadayar (2007), 483
Tréheux (1992), p. 44
I.Délos 1965
I.Délos 2595
I.Délos 2602
11709 |
Gaius Helvius
Gaius |
Neapolis (Italy)
running: lampas (apo bomou)
running: lampas (pros bomon)
Moretti (1953), no. 57
Mannheim ID 459
I.Délos 1956 = IAG 57
11708 |
Komatas |
Cyrene (Libya)
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 145
Mannheim ID 255
I.Délos 1958
11707 |
Zelomenos |
running: lampas
Moretti (1997), p. 144
IG 11.4, 1162
11691 |
Peisistrates |
Athens (Attica)
riding: ___
Strasser (2001), no. 298
-550 |
-520 |
Hermary, BCH 102 (1978), pp. 50-76
Jockey, REA 95 (1993), p. 45-59
11690 |
Peisistrates |
Athens (Attica)
riding: ___
Strasser (2001), no. 298
-550 |
-520 |
Hermary, BCH 102 (1978), pp. 50-76
Jockey, REA 95 (1993), p. 45-59
11689 |
Epidamos |
Epidauros (Epidauria)
?: ?
Sève (1993), no. 4
-33 |
-32 |
IG IV(2), 1, 101
11688 |
Amphipolis (Macedonia)
Moretti (1992), p. 125
-100 |
Koukouli-Chrysanthaki, ?? 28 (1973), p. 452
Robert, BE (1979), 270
11687 |
Miletos (Ionia)
combat sports: pale
Moretti (1992), p. 125
-100 |
Peek, ZPE 7 (1971), pp. 213-215
11686 |
Eretria (Euboia)
combat sports: pale?
Moretti (1992), p. 125
Altherr-Charon, Études de Lettres 4 (1981), pp. 25-35
CEG 321a
Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 22
SEG 31.806
11685 |
Moretti (1992), no. 203
11684 |
Hegesianax |
Kolophon (Ionia)
combat sports: pugme
Moretti (1970), p. 297
Mannheim ID 1152
IG II-III(2), 2313
11683 |
Kolophon (Ionia)
combat sports: pale
Moretti (1957), p. 297
Mannheim 1105
-400 |
-300 |
Robert (1967), p. 23
11682 |
Melos (Melos)
combat sports: pale
Moretti (1970), p. 297
-370 |
-300 |
11681 |
Kephalos |
Byzantion (Thrace)
Moretti (1970), pp. 296
11680 |
Mopsos |
theatre: pantomimos (orchestes)
Stephanis (1988), no. 30
Strasser (2021), no. 276
I.Kition 2087
Oberhummer (1888), pp. 310-311
Pogiatzi (2003), pp. 183-184, no. 96
Poyiadji (2002), p. 264, no. 355
RA 41 (1881), p. 124
11679 |
combat sports: pankration?
Strasser (2021), no. 275
I.Pergamon 537
11678 |
Kyzikos? (Mysia)
running: dolichos?
Strasser (2021), no. 274
Smith & Rustafjaell, JHS 22 (1902), pp. 201-202, no. 4
11677 |
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 273
Strasser (2019), p. 374
Fraser, JHS 101 (1981), pp. 134-136 = SEG 31.1044
11676 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
Strasser (2021), no. 272
Papadopoulos-Kerameus (1873/1875), p. 121, no. 23
TAM V.3, 1510
11675 |
Stephanis (1988), no. 1269
Strasser (2021), no. 271
Lydien I 51
TAM V 1509
11674 |
Strasser (2021), no. 270
Frontrier, REA 4 (1902), p. 194, no. 2 = I.Smyrna 670 = IGR IV 1443 = AE 1902, 232
11673 |
Strasser (2021), no. 269
I.Milet 1444
11672 |
Strasser (2021), no. 268
I.Milet 1549
11671 |
combat sports: pugme
Strasser (2021), no. 264
CIL VIII 21440 = IGR I 928
Renier, Inscriptions romaines de l'Algérie (1855-1858), no. 3883
11670 |
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 262
Magnelli (2001), pp. 640-641, no. 14 = SEG 51.1140
11669 |
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 261
Magnelli (2001), p. 639, no. 13 = SEG 51.1139
11668 |
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2019), pp. 373-374
Strasser (2021), no. 260
IG XII 2, 480 = IG XII Suppl., p. 29
Pottier & Hauvette-Besnault, BCH 4 (1880), p. 447, no. 30
11667 |
running: stadion
Strasser (2021), no. 259
Cichorius, MDAI(A) 13 (1888), pp. 73-74, no. 36
IG XII 2, 132
Papadopoulos-Kerameus (1884), p. 39
11666 |
[---]ios P[----]
Strasser (2021), no. 257
IvO 235
11665 |
Strasser (2021), no. 255
CIG 1473 = IG V 1, 665
11664 |
Aurelius Philadelphos
Cheironomos |
Phoibos |
combat sports: pugme
Strasser (2021), no. 254
Günther (2017), p. 129
I.Didyma 179
11663 |
combat sports: pale
Strasser (2021), no. 253
I.Tralleis 142
Pappakonstantinou (1895), no. 12
Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8 (1883), p. 332, no. 12
11662 |
Menekra[tos] |
Günther (2017), p. 433
Strasser (2021), no. 250
I.Milet 1363
11661 |
Pausanias |
running: dolichos
Strasser (2021), no. 246
Robert, Hellenica IX, pp. 73-77
11660 |
Menodoros |
running: diaulos
running: stadion
Strasser (2021), no. 245
Mellor (1975), no. 107
IG XII 6, 342
Schede, MDAI(A) 44 (1919), p. 32, no. 18a = SEG 1, 380a
11659 |
Strasser (2021), no. 240
IG VII 1858 = I.Thespies 212
11658 |
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 239
Lenormant, RhM 21 (1866), p. 516, no. 329 = IG IV 1563
11657 |
Strasser (2021), no. 238
Iskan (2002), ph. pl. 44, 1
11656 |
Strasser (2021), no. 237
Alzinger (1972), p. 132
Bammer, Fleischer, Knibbe (1974), pp. 62-63
Eichler, AnzWien 100 (1963), p. 54
Erdemgil (1989), p. 15
11655 |
pentathlon: pentathlon?
Strasser (2021), no. 236
Roueché, Performers, pp. 239-245, no. 94
11654 |
Strasser (2021), no. 235
I.Tyr 63 = AE 2006, 1603
11653 |
Seleukos |
combat sports: pugme
Strasser (2021), no. 234
GVI 1957 = Merkelbach & Stauber, IV 20/01/02)
IGLS III 1125 = Kaibel, Ep. Gr. 439
LBW 2718
11652 |
chariot: harma (polikon)
running: hoplites dromos
pentathlon: pentathlon
Strasser (2021), no. 233
Cesnola (1877), pp. 431-432, no 44
Cesnola (1877), pp. 431-432, no. 44
Cesnola (1903), ph. pl. 148, 2
Hatziioannou (1980), p. 280, no. 218
I.Kition 2048
IG XV 2, 1, 65
Mitford, ANRW II 7.2 (1980), p. 1367, no. 426 = SEG 30.1616
Myres (1914), p. 548, no. 1905
Myrtes (1914), p. 548, no. 1905
Sakellarios (1891), p. 41, no. 17
11651 |
Strasser (2021), no. 231
TAM V 1, 545
11650 |
Strasser (2021), no. 230
I.Milet 1567
11649 |
Ploutas |
Hypaipa (Lydia)
Strasser (2021), no. 229a
Samitz, JÖAI 87 (2018), pp. 392-395, no. 3
11648 |
Strasser (2021), no. 222
Edhem Bey, BCH 28 (1904), p. 91, no. 17 = I.Tralleis 122
11647 |
running: dolichos
Strasser, REG 132 (2019), pp. 367-409
Strasser (2021), no. 220
Lydien, Mysien, Türkei (2018), pp. 170-171, no. 111
Schwertheim, Güllü Schwertheim, Petzl, Epigraphica der Sammlung Yavuz Tat??
11646 |
Strasser (2004), pp. 202-205
Strasser (2021), no. 219
Caldelli (1998), pp. 229-233 = AE 1998, 271
CIL XIV 4701 a-b
11645 |
Strasser (2021), no. 218
Maffei, Museum veronense (1749), p. 271, no. 7 = IG XIV 1117 = IGUR 260
11644 |
Strasser (2021), no. 214
Corinth 8.1, 78
11643 |
Strasser (2021), no. 213
Corinth 8.3, 513
Sturgeon, Sculpture. the Assemblage from the Theater. Corinth IX, 3 (2004), pp. 185-186, no. 72 = SEG 55.384
11642 |
Strasser (2021), no. 207
I.Milet 1443
11641 |
Strasser (2021), no. 206
I.Milet 731
11640 |
running: diaulos?
running: hoplites dromos
running: hoplites dromos?
Strasser (2021), no. 205
Engelmann, JÖAI 69 (2000), p. 88, no. 24 = AE 2000, 1409 = SEG 50.1153
11639 |
Strasser (2021), no. 201
MDAI(A) 26 (1901), p. 240, no. 7 = I.Tralleis 121
11638 |
Strasser (2021), no. 200
Cagiano de Azevedo (1951), p. 101, no. 288
IGUR 259
11637 |
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 198
Magnelli (2001), pp. 635-637, no. 11 = SEG 51.1137
11636 |
Strasser (2021), no. 196
Studnickza, MDAI(A) 13 (1888), p. 177, no. 22 = IGR IV 949
11635 |
Strasser (2021), no. 194
IG XII 2, 269
11634 |
theatre: hypokrisis (komoidos)
Stephanis (1988), no. 2196
Strasser (2021), no. 193
IG XII 1, 84 = IGR IV 1133
Loewy (1883), p. 123, no. 48
11633 |
Strasser (2021), no. 190
Ugolini (2015), no. 68
Bousquet, BCH 116 (1992), p. 192, no. 4 = SEG 42.462
11632 |
[pankratiast, wrestler]
Thespiai (Boiotia)
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
running: stadion
Strasser (2002), p. 104
Strasser (2021), no. 189
Mannheim ID 1424
I.Thespies 209b = IG VII 1859
11631 |
running: stadion
Strasser (2021), no. 188
I.Thespies 209a
Plassart, Laographia 7 (1923), p. 183, no. 4 = SEG 3.337
11630 |
Strasser (2021), no. 184
I.Milet 1456
11629 |
Strasser (2021), no. 183
Engelmann, ZPE 120 (1998), pp. 67-68, no. 4 = SEG 48.1372
Merkelbach & Stauber, Steinepigramme V 24/08
11628 |
Strasser (2021), no. 182
IG XII 4, 944
11627 |
chariot: apobates
running: diaulos
running: stadion
Strasser (2021), no. 181
IG IX 2, 614b
MDAI(A) 7 (1882), p. 237
11626 |
Timarchos |
pentathlon: pentathlon
Strasser (2021), no. 180
Robert (1968), p. 183 = OMS VI, p. 319
CIG 1418 = SGDI 4473 = IG V 1.668
11625 |
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 178
Koçhan (2011), pp. 136-139 = SEG 62.933 = AE 2015, 1451
11624 |
Strasser (2021), no. 177
Iskan (2002), ph. pl. 4
SEG 48.2107
11623 |
Ionopolis (Paphlagonia)
Strasser (2021), no. 176
Robert, BCH 102 (1978), pp. 468-469, no. 41
11622 |
Strasser (2021), no. 175
Athènes. Inv. PA 735
IG II(3) 4, p. 247 = IG II(3) 4, 630
11621 |
Publius Sthenius Fronto
Publius Sthenius Licinnianus |
Oinoanda (Lycia)
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 161
CIG 4380
LBW 1233 = IGR III 497
Millner & Hall (1994), no. 1 = SEG 44.1165
11620 |
pentathlon: pentathlon
pentathlon: pentathlon?
Strasser (2021), no. 148
IGBulg III 1, 889
Tsontchev (1947), pp. 35-36, no. 4
11619 |
combat sports: pugme
Strasser (2021), no. 134
Drew-Bear & Sacco, AION 13/14 (2006/2007), pp. 273-276 = SEG 56.1690
11618 |
Strasser (2004), pp. 194-197
Strasser (2021), no. 133
Paci (1998), p. 239
Dessau (1881), pp. 137-141 = CIL XIV 474 = ILS 5233
11617 |
[---] Androsthenes
Kos (Kos)
Strasser (2021), no. 128
I.Cos 261
IG XII 4.949
11616 |
Strasser (2021), no. 126
TAM V 2.1022
11615 |
Smyrna (Ionia)
Strasser (2021), no. 124
LBW 609
MDAI(A) 8 (1883), no. 9 = Pappakonstantinou (1895), no. 69 = I.Tralleis 119 = OMS II, p. 1131-1132
11614 |
Moles |
combat sports: pale
Strasser (2021), no. 119
TAM III 164 = I.Side TEp 8
11613 |
Ta[---] |
Thyateira (Lydia)
Strasser (2021), no. 118
Petzl, ZPE 13 (1974), pp. 117-119 = I.Smyrna 668
11612 |
theatre: hypokrisis (tragoidos)?
music: kitharoidia
music: kitharoidia?
Strasser (2021), no. 104
Nikitsky, Études d'épigraphie delphique (1894/1895), no. 25
11611 |
Flavius Alexandros Oxeidas
Nikomedia (Bithynia)
Strasser (2021), no. 76
Strasser (2004), p. 205
Stephanis (1988), no. 1956
I.Tralleis 110
LBW 1652b
Sterrett, Epigraphic Journey, pp. 4-5, no. 1
11610 |
pentathlon: pentathlon
Strasser (2021), no. 69
Engelmann, ZPE 120 (1998), p. 85, no. 5 = AE 1998, 1348 = SEG 48, 1361
11609 |
T. Claudius Philologos Theseus
Athens (Attica)
Strasser (2021), no. 68
Stephanis (1988), no. 1219
I.Ephesos 1135
Keil, AAWW 82 (1945), p. 10-18
11608 |
L. Antonius Nikostratos
Thyateira (Lydia)
chariot: apobates
pentathlon: pentathlon
Strasser (2021), no. 67
Buckler, RPh 37 (1913), pp. 312-315 = AE 1914, 193 = IGR IV 1263
TAM V 2, 1006
11607 |
T. Claudius Metrodoros
Strasser (2021), no. 42
Dreyer, Orient & Occident in Antiquity 1 (2014), p. 153 = AE (2013), 1565 = SEG 63.960
11606 |
Strasser (2021), no. 38
Lehner (2005), pp. 171-172
Frisch, ZPE 15 (1974), p. 162
11605 |
Strasser (2021), no. 29
IG X 2, 2, 1, 308 = SEG 49.752
11604 |
Damas |
music: kitharoidia
Strasser (2021), no. 22
Stephanis (1988), no. 2459
Aspiotes (2006), no. 1585
I.Iasos 110
Reinach, REG 6 (1893), no. 25
11603 |
Poseidonios |
theatre: poesis (tragoidion)
literature: poiesis
Strasser (2016)
Strasser (2021), no. 20
P.Oxy. 79, 5202
11602 |
running: stadion
Strasser (2021), no. 19
Strasser (2016), p. 79
IG XII 4.946 = AE 2013, 1501
11601 |
literature: enkomion
Höghammar (1993), no. 69
Strasser (2021), no. 8
Shear (2001), pp. 1147-1148
Herzog, HZ 125 (1922), no. 5
IG XII 4.939
11600 |
Strasser (2021), no. 217
I.Perinthos 32
Ziebarth, AM 22 (1897), pp. 413-414, no. 26
11599 |
Strasser (2021), no. 185
I.Milet 1365
11598 |
Strasser (2021), no. 153
Mango & Sevcenko (1973), pp. 250-251, no. 1
11597 |
Marcus Mestrius [----]tos
Ainos (Thrace)
?: ?
combat sports: pankration
Robert (1929), p. 152-153 = OMS II, p. 1119
Strasser (2021), no. 151
IGBulg III 892
Kalinka (1906), no. 101
11596 |
?: ?
I.Magnesia 149
Strasser (2021), no. 256
IvO 212
11595 |
Marcus Aurelius Soter
Marcus Aurelius [---] |
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 252
Pappakonstantinou (1895), no. 25 = I.Tralleis 141
Sterrett, MDAI(A) 8 (1883), pp. 330-332, no. 11
11594 |
combat sports: pankration?
Strasser (2021), no. 232
I.Selge 58
11593 |
?: ?
Strasser (2021), no. 209
Geagan, Agora 18 C204
IG II(3), 4, 627
Meritt, Hesperia 7 (1948), pp. 43-44, no. 35 = BE 1949, 45
11592 |
?: ?
Strasser (2021), no. 197
Magnelli (2001), pp. 638-639, no. 12 = SEG 51.1138
11591 |
?: ?
Strasser (2021), no. 167
Rhammou, AD 52 (1977), pp. 187-188 = SEG 50.412
11590 |
?: ?
Strasser (2021), no. 165
Knoepfler (2008), p. 1459
Shear (2001), p. 1109
IG II(3), 4, 630
Koumanoudis, AD 25 (1970), pp. 58-59, no. 6 = SEG 36.258
Ugolini (2015), no. 70
11589 |
Aurelius Eutychion
Nysa (Caria)
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
combat sports: pugme
Strasser (2021), no. 164
Gökalp Özdil, Philia 2 (2016), pp. 163-176 = AE 2016, 1635
I.Nysa 469
SEG 66.1153
11588 |
?: ?
Strasser (2021), no. 154
Dumont (1892), p. 392, no. 74 = IGR I 802
I.Perinthos 31
Mordtmann (1884), p. 219, no. 49
Robert, BCH 102 (1978), pp. 467-469 = SEG 28.582
11587 |
?: ?
Gouw (2009), p. 68
Strasser (2021), no. 139
CIG 3428 = IGR IV 1645 = TAM V 3.1507
11586 |
?: ?
Strasser (2021), no. 129
Blümel & Malay, EA 21 (1993), pp. 133-134 = AE 1993, 1528 = SEG 43.732 = I.Nysa 282
11585 |
running: hoplites dromos
running: stadion
running: stadion?
Strasser (2021), no. 125
Pugliese Carratelli, Suppl. Rodio 67
Strasser, Klio 86 (2004), pp. 141-164 = AE 2004, 1465 = SEG 54.724
11584 |
Gaius Julius Achilleus
Magnesia on the Sipylos (Lydia)
choral: choros (choraules)
Aspiotes (2006), no. 4
Stephanis (1988), no. 501
Strasser (2021), no. 121-122
MDAI(A) 7 (1882), p. 255, no. 26
Pennacchietti, AAT 101 (1966/1967), pp. 309-310, no. 29
11583 |
music: aulesis
music: aulesis (pythaulesis)
choral: choros (choraules)
Strasser (2001), p. 147-153
Strasser (2021), no. 117
Blümel & Malay, EA 21 (1993), p. 131-133 = AE 1993, 1527 = SEG 43.731 = I.Nysa 281
11582 |
Titus Flavius Philagros
Laodikeia (Phrygia)
music: salpisma
Aspiotes (2006), 1603
Strasser (2021), no. 112
Frija (2021), 402
Stephanis (1988), no. 2479
I.Tralleis 135 = BCH 28 (1904), no. 7 = I.Side TEp 14
11581 |
Serapion |
Magnesia on the Sipylos (Lydia)
Moretti (1957), p. 185
Strasser (2021), no. 111
Stephanis (1988), no. 2255
BCH 28 (1904), no. 5
I.Tralleis 136
11580 |
Pistos |
Gaius |
Kyme (Aiolis)
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
Moretti (1954), no. 1
Gouw (2009), p. 212
Strasser (2021), no. 105
CIG 3675 = IGR IV 162
11579 |
combat sports: pankration
combat sports: pankration?
Strasser (2021), no. 74
Gouw (2009), p. 91
CIG 3209 = IGR IV 1442 = I.Smyrna 664
11476 |
Apollonios |
Alexandria (Egypt)
theatre: poesis (komoidias)
Strasser (2021), no. 18
Bosnakis (2004), p. 99-108 = SEG 54.787
IG XII 4.845
10959 |
Antikyra (Phokis)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 160
Paus. 10.36.9
10958 |
Anop |
? (Armenia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 159
Moses Chorenensis 3.40
10957 |
Titus Flavius Artemidoros
Artemidoros |
Adana (Cilicia)
combat sports: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 155
IG 14.746
Martialis 6.77.3
10956 |
Titus Aelius Aurelius Metrodoros
Philadelphia (Lydia)
Gouw (2009), no. 152
Robert, BE (1958), p.223
10955 |
Titus Aelius Aurelius Menandros
Apollonios |
Aphrodisias (Caria)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 151
CIG 2.2810b, 2811b (= Roueché [1993], nos. 91-92)
10954 |
Titus Aelius Aurelius Heras
Chios (Chios)
running: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 149
Eus. Ad Olympiade 234
SEG 37.712
10953 |
Tiberius Claudius Teimodemos Koliorgeus
Tiberius Claudius Olympos |
Stratonikeia (Caria)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 148
I.Stratonikeia 1043
10952 |
Tiberius Claudius Patrobios
Antiochia on the Orontes (Syria)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 146
IGUR I 249 (= SEG 14.613)
10951 |
Tiberius Claudius Nikophon
Nikophon |
Miletos (Ionia)
combat sports: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 145
I.Didyma 108
Milet I 3.127
10950 |
Tiberius Claudius Diodoros
The First |
Hermopolis (Egypt)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 143
CP.Herm. 73 II
10949 |
The Emerald |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 141
Eus. Ad Olympiade 214
10948 |
Soterichos |
Elis (Elis)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 140
IvO 213
Phlegon of Tralleis, FGrH 257 F 12
10947 |
Metrophanes |
Caesarea Germanice (Bithynia)
running: dolichos
Gouw (2009), no. 139
Strasser (2021), no. 72
Corsten, AST 9 (1991), pp. 224-226 = SEG 40.1141
Corsten, EA 15 (1990), pp. 34-36
10946 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 138
Eus. Ad Olympiade 214
10945 |
Sosander |
Smyrna (Ionia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 137
Paus. 5.21.16-17
10944 |
Gouw (2009), no. 136
IG IV 203 (??????????? ?????)
10943 |
(Marcus Antonius?) Sekoundos
Ephesos? (Ionia)
combat sports: pale?
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 135
I.Eph. 1127
10942 |
Gortyn (Crete)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 134
Eus. Ad Olympiade 247
I.Cret. IV 28
SEG 53.952.2
10941 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 133
Paus. 6.23.6
10940 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 132
Eus. Ad Olympiade 204
10939 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 131
Paus. 5.21.18
10938 |
Arsinoe (Egypt)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 130
Paus. 5.21.15
10937 |
Rome? (Italy)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 129
Plu. Moralia 124C
10936 |
Quintus Iulius Artemidorion
Tralleis (Caria)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 128
I.Tralleis 128
10935 |
Publius Pompeius Eutychus
Ninnus |
Philadelphia (Lydia)
Gouw (2009), no. 127
IGUR 4.1643
10934 |
Publius Cornelius aristos
Eirenaios |
Ephesos (Ionia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 126
IvO 225
10933 |
Publius Asklepiades
Corinth (Corinthia)
penathlete: pentathlon
Gouw (2009), no. 125
IvO 241
10932 |
Publius Aelius Aristomachos
Magnesia on the Maeander (Ionia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 122
IMagn. 180, 181
10931 |
[? K..kta]benos
Proklos |
Ephesos (Ionia)
running: hoplites dromos
Gouw (2009), no. 120
Frisch (1986), no. 6, r. 62-63, 73
10930 |
Damonikos |
Elis (Elis)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 119
Paus. 5.21.16-17
10929 |
Piseas |
Aphrodisias (Caria)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 116
Roueché (1993), no. 75
10928 |
Karpion |
Laodikeia (Phyrgia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 115
I.Eph. 1605
P.Lond 1178, r.84-85
10927 |
Philippos Glykon
The Glory of Asia, The lightning bolt of the pankration, The broad-footed, The New Atlas |
Asklepiades |
Pergamon (Mysia)
combat sports: ___
combat sports?: ___
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 113
AP. 7.692
Hor. Epist. 1.1.30-31
I.Pergamon 535
10926 |
Pergamos |
Ilion (Troas)
combat sports: ___
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 112
I.Ilion 125
10925 |
running: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 111
Moretti (1953), no. 86, r.12-14
Philostr. Gym. 24
10924 |
Isidotos |
Aigai (Cilicia)
combat sports: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 110
Eus. Ad Olympiade 204
Lucianus, De historia conscribenda 9
Pausanias 5.21.40
Quintilianus 2.8.14
Tacitus, Dialogus de oratoribus 10
10923 |
the Miletian Giant |
Tryphon |
Miletos (Ionia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 109
Anthologia Palantina 6.256
10922 |
Sokles |
Ephesos (Ionia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 108
IvO 227
10921 |
Melankomas |
? (Caria)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 106
D.Chr. Or. 28-29
Them. Or. 10 (= 139a-b)
10920 |
Deidas |
Antiochia on the Orontes (Syria)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 105
IvO 228
10919 |
Marcus Ulpius Domestikos
Ephesos (Ionia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 104
I.Eph. 1089b, 1155
IG 14.1052, 1054 (= Oliver [1989] no. 86), 1055 (= Oliver [1989] no. 128), 1100, 1109, 1110
IG V 1.669
10918 |
Marcus Aurelius Zopyros
Zopyros |
Athens (Attica)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 101
Ebert (1997), p.29-230 [ed.pr.]
10917 |
Marcus Aurelius Thelymitres
Miletos (Ionia)
combat sports?: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 99
Milet VI 3 no. 1367-1370
SEG 36.1051-1055
10916 |
Marcus Aurelius Serenos
Alexandria (Egypt)
Gouw (2009), no. 98
Gasperini (1984), p.476-479
10915 |
Marcus Aurelius Philosebastos
Ephesos (Ionia)
Gouw (2009), no. 96
I. Eph. 1104
10914 |
Marcus Aurelius Peios
Daldis (Lydia)
combat sports: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 95
CIG 3427
10913 |
Marcus Aurelius Koros
Thyateira (Lydia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 94
CIG 3674 [=IGGR IV 160]
10912 |
Marcus Aurelius Heliodoros
Heliodoros |
Thespiae (Boiotia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 91
Ebert (1997) p.218, r. 16-20
10911 |
Marcus Aurelius Eucarpides
Zopyros |
Athens (Attica)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 90
Ebert (1997) p.229-230 [ed. pr.]
10910 |
Marcus Aurelius Chrysimos
the Vigilant |
Tralleis (Caria)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 86
I.Eph. 1113
10909 |
Marcus Aurelius Attikos Alexander
Marcus Aurelius Atticus Alexander |
Xanthos (Lydia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 85
Moretti (1992), p. 127
Robert (1978) p.290
SEG 28.1247
10908 |
Marcus Aurelius Asklepiades
Alexandria (Egypt)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 82
IG 6.1 666
10907 |
Marcus Aurelius Artemidoros
Saittai (Lydia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 81
Strasser (2021), no. 115
IG 14.738 (= I.Napoli 48)
IG XIV 738 = IGR I 443
10906 |
Marcus Aurelius Antonius Lucius
Smyrna (Ionia)
combat sports?: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 80
I. Smyrna 661
10905 |
Marcus Aurelius Agathopous
Aegina (Aegina)
running: hoplites dromos?
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 78
Eus. Ad Olympiade 238, 239
10904 |
Marcus Alfidios
Elaia (Aeolis)
combat sports: pale?
Gouw (2009), no. 75
Bean (1965), no. 2 [ed. pr.]
10903 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 74
Eus. Ad Olympiade 228
10902 |
Lucius Silicius Firmus Mandrogenes
Magnesia on the Maeander (Ionia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 73
I.Magn. 199
Philostr. Gym. 23
10901 |
Lucius Septimius Flavianus Flavillianus
Flavius Diogenes |
Oinoanda (Lycia)
combat sports: ___
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 71
Strasser (2021), nos. 149-150
Hall & Millner (1994), nos. 5, 30, 31, 32 = SEG 44.1196
Hall, JHS 99 (1979), p. 161, no. 3 = SEG 29.1441
Hall, JHS 99 (1979), pp. 161-162, no. 4 = SEG 29.1440
IGR 3.500
Paris & Holleaux, BCH 10 (1886), pp. 231-232, no. 11
10900 |
Lucius Iulius Nikostratos
Sardis (Lydia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 69
IG IV 206
10899 |
Aphrodisias (Caria)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 68
Roueché (1993), no. 74
10898 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 65
Eus. Ad Olympiade 244-245
10897 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 64
Eus. Ad Olympiade 224
10896 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 63
Eus. Ad Olympiade 241
10895 |
A second Atlas |
Laodikeia (Caria)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 62
Anthologia Palantina 16.52
10894 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 61
Paus. 5.21.12-14
10893 |
Trosidamas |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 60
Eus. Ad Olympiade 248, 249
10892 |
Naukratis (Egypt)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 58
Philostr. Gym. 54
10891 |
Gaius Perelius Aurelius Alexander
Thyateira (Lydia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 57
TAM V 1017-1020, 1181
10890 |
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 55
P.Lond. 3.1159
Philostr. Her. 15.7
10889 |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 54
Eus. Ad Olympiade 237
10888 |
Ammonios |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 53
Eus. Ad Olympiade 229
10887 |
Publius Albinius Methodicus
Corinth (Corinthia)
running: hoplites dromos
pentathlon: pentathlon
Gouw (2009), no. 52.8
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10886 |
Lucius Vipsanius
Corinth (Corinthia)
running: dolichos
Gouw (2009), no. 52.7
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10885 |
Gaius Heius Magnus
Corinth (Corinthia)
running: diaulos
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 52.6
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10884 |
Lucius Vibullius Saturninus
Corinth (Corinthia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 52.5
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10883 |
Lucius Babbius
Corinth (Corinthia)
running: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 52.4
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10882 |
Lucius Vibius Proclus
Corinth (Corinthia)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Gouw (2009), no. 52.3
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10881 |
Lucius Decumius Faustinus
Corinth (Corinthia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 52.2
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10880 |
Marcus Antonius
Corinth (Corinthia)
running: dolichos
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 52.1
Robert (1946b), p. 5-14 (= SEG 3.335)
10879 |
running: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 51.6
Jordan (1985), no. 6
10878 |
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 51.5
Jordan (1985), no. 5
10877 |
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 51.4
Jordan (1985), no. 4
10876 |
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 51.3
Jordan (1985), nos. 1-3
10875 |
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 51.2
Jordan (1985), no. 3
10874 |
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 51.1
Jordan (1985), no. 2
10873 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.16
Pavolini (2006), p.212-213.
10872 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.15
Pavolini (2006), p.212-213.
10871 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.14
Floriani Squarciapino (1985-6)
10870 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.13
Floriani Squarciapino (1985-6)
10869 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.12
Floriani Squarciapino (1985-6)
10868 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.11
Floriani Squarciapino (1985-6)
10867 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.10
Benndorf (1866), p.231, no. 1
10866 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.9
Fornari (1916), p.314
10865 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.8
Fornari (1916), p.314
10864 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.7
Fornari (1916), p.314
10863 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.6
Fornari (1916), p.314
10862 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.5
Fornari (1916), p.314
10861 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.4
Fornari (1916), p.314
10860 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.3
Fornari (1916), p.314.
10859 |
Amelius Atticus
Gouw (2009), no. 50.2
Visconti (1886), p.49-51
10858 |
Gouw (2009), no. 50.1
Visconti (1886), p.49-51
10857 |
Aurelius Lis
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 49.10
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 36 (= SEG 44.1200)
10856 |
Aurelius Diogenes
Oinoanda (Lycia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 49.9
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 14 (= SEG 44.1178)
10855 |
Marcus Aurelius Krateros
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 49.8
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 13 (= SEG 44.1177)
10854 |
Aurelius Eutychus
Patara (Lycia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 49.7
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 16 (= SEG 44.1180)
10853 |
Marcus Aurelius Diogenes
Oinoanda (Lycia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 49.6
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 2 (= SEG 44.1166)
10852 |
Marcus Aurelius Ammianos
Oinoanda (Lycia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 49.5
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 15 (= SEG 44.1179)
10851 |
Aurelius Aristomenes
Gagai (Lycia)
combat sports: pale
Gouw (2009), no. 49.4
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 12 (= SEG 44.1176)
10850 |
Aurelius Mos
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 49.3
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 11 (= SEG 44.1175)
10849 |
Aurelius Aphrodisios
Oinoanda (Lycia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 49.2
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 4 (= SEG 44.1168)
10848 |
Aurelius Demetrios
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 49.1
Hall & Millner (1994), no. 3 (= SEG 44.1167)
10847 |
Sameumys |
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 48
Eus. Ad Olympiade 226, 227.
10846 |
Didymos Klideus
Alexandria (Egypt)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 47
Eus. Ad Olympiade 230
10845 |
(Tiberius Claudius?) Demokrates
Demokrates |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Ionia)
combat sports: ___
Gouw (2009), no. 46
I.Magn. 149, 157
IvO 211
10844 |
Ephesos (Ionia)
running: stadion
Gouw (2009), no. 44
Eus. Ad Olympiade 194, 195
10843 |
Avitus? Aurelius Zotikos
"The cook" |
Smyrna (Ionia)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 43
Cassius Dio 80.16
Scriptores Historiae Augustae, Heliogabalus 10.2-5
10842 |
Aurelius Tertullios
Eutychus |
Herakleia Pontica (Bithynia)
combat sports: pugme
Gouw (2009), no. 42
Robert (1960c), p.350-351
10841 |
Aurelius Ploution
Hermopolis (Egypt)
combat sports?: ?
Gouw (2009), no. 38
CPHerm. 53, 59, 77-78
10840 |
Aurelius Phoebammon
Poseidonios |
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 37
P. Lond 1243
10839 |
Aurelius Leukadios
Hermopolis (Egypt)
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 36
CPHerm. 54, 55, 56
9628 |
Aurelius Helix
combat sports: ___
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
Gouw (2009), no. 34
D. C. 80.10.2
Philostr.Gym. 46, Her. 16.23-17.5
9627 |
Aurelius Fronton
Augusta Trajana (Thrace)
running: ?
Gouw (2009), no. 33
IGBR III, 2, no. 1574
9626 |
Aurelius Eutychus
"Helix" |
Hermos |
Eumeneia (Phyrgia)
combat sports?: ?
Gouw (2009), no. 32
Decker (2008), pp. 169-170
Strasser (2021), no. 166
Buckler, Calder & Cox, JRS 16 (1926), pp. 80-82, no. 204 = SEG 6.203
Paris, BCH 8 (1884), pp. 234-235, no. 2
Ramsay, Phrygia II, pp. 522-523, no. 364
9610 |
[aktionikes] |
Hierapolis? (Phrygia)
CIG 3910 = Jüdeich (1898), no. 15
9609 |
Claudius Caecilius Hermianus
Bosch (1967), 348,287
9608 |
[komoidos] |
Ankyra (Galatia)
theatre: hypokrisis (komoidos)
117 |
138 |
9607 |
Aulos Oktaios
-27 |
14 |
I.Kalchedon 19
9606 |
?Eukrates |
Rhodos (Rhodos)
running: stadion
117 |
300 |
Suppl. Epigr. Rodio 67
9605 |
Tiberius Claudius Hipparchos
Nikopolis (Epeiros)
FD III.1 537
9604 |
Marcus Alphidius
100 |
IMT 830
9603 |
[isaktic/isactic victor] |
75 |
100 |
EKM 1, Beroia, no. 118
9602 |
Marcus Aurelius Philoxenos
Side (Pamphylia)
theatre: ___
Stephanis (1988), no. 2542
Strasser (2021), no. 131
205 |
212 |
Bean, Side Kitabeleri (1965), no. 149
I.Side II 130
9601 |
[hieronikes] |
combat sports: pale
combat sports: pankration
Strasser (2021), no. 63
175 |
200 |
Milet VI.3 1366
9600 |
Nikopolis (Epeiros)
25 |
75 |
IG XII,6 2, no. 821
9599 |
Marcus Aurelius Meliton
Agroitas |
Meliton |
Aphrodisias (Caria)
music: ___
music: kitharisis
LGPN V5b-9439
Stephanis (1988), no. 1634
Aspiotes (2006), no. 1370
Strasser (2021), no. 163
200 |
300 |
I.Aphr. 1.182
Roueché, Performers no. 69
9598 |
Zelos |
125 |
145 |
SEG 11.494
9597 |
Marcus Aurelius Theopompos
artistic: zographia
TAM III.1, 521
9596 |
Bousquet (1992), p. 190
Robert (1930), RPh, p. 58 = OMS II, 1158
Strasser (2001), no. 279
Ugolini (2015), no. 54
Strasser (2021), no. 216
100 |
300 |
Bousquet, BCH 116 (1992), p. 190 = SEG 42.460
Robert, RPh 56 (1930), p. 58, no. 1 (OMS II, p. 1158)
9595 |
Byzantion (Thrace)
theatre: hypokrisis (tragoidos)
Robert (1970), OMS V, p. 366-367
Robert (1967), RPh, p. 26-27
Stefanis (1998), no. 1469
Strasser (2001), no. 224
RE IV (1900) 10, no. 4
325 |
350 |
Philostr. Soph. II 27, 2
9594 |
Bousquet (1992), p. 190-192
Weir (2004), p. 124
FD III.1 550
9593 |
Iulius Diodotos
9592 |
[chariot-racer] |
chariot: harma (teleion)?
Miranda de Martino, Elena. "Les Sebasta De Naples a L'epoque de Domitien. Temoignages Epigraphiques." Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres 158, no. 3 (2014): 1165-88. p 1183-1185 nr. 3.
9591 |
(...E...) [female runner]
running: ___
Miranda De Martino, Elena. "I Sebasta dell'82 D.c: Restauro Delle Lastre E Aggiornamenti." Historika. Studi di storia greca e romana, no. 7 (2017): 253-69. 257, Col. I, l. 35-36
9590 |
Kasta (Casta)
running: ___
Miranda De Martino, Elena. "I Sebasta dell'82 D.c: Restauro Delle Lastre E Aggiornamenti." Historika. Studi di storia greca e romana, no. 7 (2017): 253-69. 257, Col. I, l.29-30, cf. MAIA 68, 393, in 82
9589 |
Justa / Iousta
running: stadion (thygateras bouleuton)
MAIA 68, 393, in 82
9588 |
Flavia Thalassa
Ephesos (Ionia)
running: stadion
Miranda De Martino, Elena. "I Sebasta dell'82 D.C: Restauro Delle Lastre E Aggiornamenti." Historika. Studi di storia greca e romana, no. 7 (2017): 253-69., 258 line 25
9587 |
Aemilia Rekteina
running: diaulos
Miranda 2017 94-95.
9586 |
Mnasiadas |
Argos (Argolid)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 1184
IG II(2), 2314, col. 1, l. 47-58 = SEG 41.114
9585 |
Argos (Argolid)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 1186
IG II(2), 2314, col. 1, l. 53-54
9584 |
Onesandros |
Chios (Chios)
-300 |
-200 |
SEG 35.933
9583 |
running: dromos
-1000 |
1000 |
Souliardos on Paus. 5.16.2, cf. Spiro (1900), p. 137
9582 |
Phoxinos |
Krannon (Thessaly)
chariot: harma (polikon)
Mannheim ID 718
I.Oropos 529
9581 |
Hermonax |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
riding: keles (polikos)
Mannheim ID 655
I.Oropos 527
9580 |
Kaikos |
Kyme (Aiolis)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 473
IG 417 +415 = Arch Eph (1923), 48, 126
9579 |
Makedon |
Ephesos (Apollonia) (Ionia)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 822
SEG 28.1246
9578 |
Polyxenos |
Larissa (Thessaly)
chariot: harma (teleion)
Mannheim ID 1346
Arvanitopoulos (1911), no. 27, l. 16f. = Graninger (2011), no. 4
Arvanitopoulos, RPh 35 (1911), pp. 124-127, no. 27 = SEG 54. 560 = Graninger (2011), no. 4
9577 |
Me[---] |
Chios? (Chios)
chariot: harma (polikon)
Mannheim ID 431
McCabe Chios 58 = AD (1927), 28, n.12 cf. Robert BCH 459-524 = OMS 1, no. 34, 518-524
9576 |
Krates |
Kyme (Aiolis)
chariot: harma
Mannheim ID 1559
I.Kyme 46 = SGO 05/03/03
9575 |
Nestor |
? (?)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 698
SEG 41.115 col. 3, l. 11-12 = Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 3, l. 11f
9574 |
Kleopatra II
Ptolemaios V Epiphanes |
Alexandria (Egypt)
chariot: harma (teleion)
Mannheim ID 604
SEG 41.115, col. 3, l. 21-22
Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 3, l. 21f
9573 |
Noumenios |
Alexandria? (Egypt)
chariot: harma (polikon)
Mannheim ID 4
SEG 41.115, col. 3, l. 17-18 = Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 3, l. 17f.
9572 |
Zenon |
Antiocheia ad Cydnum (Cilicia)
chariot: harma (polikon)
Mannheim ID 429
SEG 41.115, col. 2, l. 28-29 = Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 2, l. 28f
9571 |
Agetor |
Sparta (Lakonia)
chariot: harma (teleion)
Mannheim ID 785
SEG 41.115, col.1, l. 34 = Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 1, l. 34
9570 |
Karon |
Liguria (Italy)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 591
SEG 41.115 col.1, l. 30-31
Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 1, l. 30f
9569 |
Ptolemaios |
Alexandria (Egypt)
chariot: harma (polikon)
ProsPtol 1463
Mannheim ID 387
SEG 41.115 col. 1, l. 33 = Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 1, l. 33
9568 |
Polykleitos |
Antiochia ad Pyramum (Mallus) (Cilicia)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 125
SEG 41.115 col.1, line 32
Tracy & Habicht (1991), col. 1, l. 32
9567 |
..ados |
Alexandria (Egypt)
riding: keles (teleios)
Mannheim ID 1185
IG II(2), 2314, col. 1, l. 51ff.
9566 |
Megalokles |
Larissa (Thessaly)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 160
IG IX.2, 526
9565 |
Ariston |
Kyrene (Kyrenaika)
chariot: harma (polikon)
ProsPtol 17211
Mannheim ID 1073
IG II(2), 2313, col. 2, l. 59-60
9564 |
Polykrates |
Argos (Argeia)
riding: keles (teleios)
chariot: tethrippon
Mannheim ID 514
ProsPtol 17209
IG II(2), 2313, col. 2, l. 14-15
IG II(2), 2314, col. 2, l. 91a-92, 93a-94
9563 |
Polykrates |
Argos (Argeia)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 435
ProsPtol 17210
IG II(2), 2313, col. 2, l. 12-13
9562 |
Polykrates |
Argos (Argeia)
chariot: harma (polikon)
Mannheim ID 1074
ProsPtol 17212
IG II(2), 2313, col. 2, l. 8-9
IG II(2), 2313, col. 2, l. 8-9; IG II(2), 2314, col. 1, ll. 49-50
IG II(2), 2314, col. 1, l. 49-50
9561 |
...a...gore |
Lysistratos |
Pedieis (Rhodes)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 1566
MDAI(A) 25 (1900), p. 107, no. 106
9560 |
Berenike II
chariot: harma (teleion)
Mannheim ID 249
Call. Fr. 383 Pfeiffer + SH 254.1-10
9489 |
St[---] |
IG II(2), 1054 = SEG 32.128
9488 |
Aristion |
Athens (Attica)
IG II(2), 1054 = SEG 32.128
9487 |
Dionysios |
Athens (Attica)
IG II(2), 1054 = SEG 32.128
9486 |
[architheoros] |
IG II(2), 1054 = SEG 32.128
9485 |
Dorotheos |
Demetrias (Thessaly)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 973
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9484 |
Menophilos |
Nikaia (Bithynia)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 39
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9483 |
Demophon |
Myndos (Caria)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Mannheim ID 798
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9482 |
Nikaretos |
Plataia (Boiotia)
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 354
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9481 |
Apolodoros |
Kyzikos (Mysia)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 97
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9480 |
Diokles |
Athens (Attica)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 338
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9479 |
Timokles |
Kos (Kos)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 280
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9478 |
Artemisios |
Chrysaoris (Caria)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Mannheim ID 793
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9476 |
Eucharides |
Opous (Locris)
running: diaulos
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 406
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9475 |
Apollonios |
Smyrna (Ionia)
running: dolichos
Mannheim ID 516
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9474 |
Epainetos |
Larymna (Locris)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 933
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9473 |
Alexandros |
Elis (Olympia)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1075
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9472 |
Mironos |
Thebes (Boiotia)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 724
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9471 |
Simias |
Thespiai (Boiotia)
running: diaulos
Mannheim ID 624
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9470 |
Homoloïchos |
Thespiai (Boiotia)
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 564
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9469 |
Melantichos |
Tanagra (Boiotia)
running: dolichos
Mannheim ID 1020
I.Thesp 187 = IG VII 1765 = Feyel, Contributions (1942) 57,6 = SEG 36.469
9468 |
Herodes |
Kyme (Aeolis)
chariot: tethrippon (teleion)
Mannheim ID 519
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9467 |
Rodonos |
chariot: tethrippon (polikon)
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9466 |
Philippos |
Kyme (Aeolis?)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 226
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9465 |
Epikrates |
Kyme (Aeolis?)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 474
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9464 |
Kallimachos |
Thebes (Boiotia)
riding: keles (teleios)
Mannheim ID 580
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9463 |
Damokrates |
Athens (Attica)
riding: keles (polikos)
Mannheim ID 1063
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9461 |
Dionysios |
Epidamnos (Illyricum)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Mannheim ID 954
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9460 |
Chrysippos |
Thebes (Boiotia)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 782
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9459 |
Aisch[---] |
? (?)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 420
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9456 |
[stadiodromos?] |
? (?)
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 1309
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9455 |
M[---] |
? (?)
running: dolichos?
Mannheim ID 1308
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9454 |
Th[---] |
pentathlon: pentathlon
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9453 |
? (?)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 1310
I.Thesp 186 = IG VII 1770 = BCH 19 (1895) 372, 22 + 369, 19
9452 |
[diaulodromos] |
Priene (Ionia)
running: diaulos
I.Priene 237 = McCabe Priene 282
9451 |
Menodoros |
Priene (Ionia)
?: ?
Mannheim ID 352
I.Priene 236
9450 |
? (?)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 345
I.Oropos 530
9449 |
Asklap[on] |
? (?)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 203
I.Oropos 530
9448 |
Euphyes |
? (?)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1373
I.Oropos 530
9447 |
Eunomos |
Eretria (Euboia)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1372
I.Oropos 530
9446 |
Littias |
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1371
I.Oropos 530
9445 |
? (?)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 1370
I.Oropos 530
9444 |
[S]osibios |
Oropos (Boiotia)
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 1369
I.Oropos 529
9443 |
[euangelies] |
running: (stadion) euangelia Rhomaion nikes
I.Oropos 529
9442 |
Aristeas |
Thebes (Boiotia)
riding: zeugos (diaulos)
Mannheim ID 430
I.Oropos 529
9441 |
Antigonos |
Larissa (Thessaly)
riding: keles (teleios)
I.Oropos 529
9440 |
Antigonos |
Krannon (Thessaly)
chariot: tethrippon (teleion)
Mannheim ID 892
I.Oropos 529
9439 |
Phoxinos |
Krannon (Thessaly)
chariot: tethrippon (polikon)
I.Oropos 529
9438 |
Apollonides |
Kyme (Aeolis)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 106
I.Oropos 529
9437 |
Chanas |
Pelinna (Thessaly)
riding: keles (polikos)
Mannheim ID 543
I.Oropos 529
9436 |
Aristagoras |
Kyme (Aeolis?)
chariot: synoris (polike)
Mannheim ID 205
I.Oropos 529
9435 |
Menodotos |
Eumeneia (Phrygia)
running: hoplites dromos
Mannheim ID 1368
I.Oropos 529
9434 |
Glaukos |
Chios (Chios)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 1367
I.Oropos 529
9433 |
[---]enophilos |
Chios (Chios)
combat sports: pankration
Mannheim ID 1366
I.Oropos 529
9432 |
[Ch]rysippos |
Thebes (Boiotia)
combat sports: pankration
I.Oropos 529
9431 |
Sosikrates |
Megara (Megaris)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1365
I.Oropos 529
9430 |
Magnesia on the Sipylos (Lydia)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1364
I.Oropos 529
9429 |
[---]ios |
Smyrna (Ionia)
combat sports: pugme
Mannheim ID 1363
I.Oropos 529
9428 |
Eudemos |
Thebes (Boiotia)
riding: hippos
Mannheim ID 901
I.Oropos 528
9427 |
Agemachos |
Argos (Argeia)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Mannheim ID 886
I.Oropos 528
9426 |
? (?)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 867
I.Oropos 528
9425 |
Dinn[---] |
? (?)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 814
I.Oropos 528
9424 |
Parthenios |
Smyrna (Ionia)
running: hippios
Mannheim ID 810
I.Oropos 528
9423 |
Myonides |
Alinda (Caria)
running: dolichos
Mannheim ID 794
I.Oropos 528
9422 |
Artemidoros |
Smyrna (Ionia)
running: dolichos
Mannheim ID 703
I.Oropos 528
9421 |
Apollonios |
Smyrna (Ionia)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Mannheim ID 702
I.Oropos 528
9420 |
Polemokrates |
Larissa (Thessaly)
pentathlon: pentathlon
Mannheim ID 667
I.Oropos 528
9419 |
Dionysos |
Myrina (Aeolis)
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 652
I.Oropos 528
9418 |
? (?)
combat sports: pale
Mannheim ID 422
I.Oropos 528
9417 |
Bebaios |
Kentoripa (Sicily)
running: diaulos
running: hoplites dromos
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 389
I.Oropos 528
9416 |
Lysippos |
Sparta (Lakonia)
running: diaulos
running: stadion
Mannheim ID 140
I.Oropos 528
IG V.1, 211
9415 |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
riding: keles (teleios)
Mannheim ID 1362
I.Oropos 527
9414 |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
chariot: tethrippon (teleion)
Mannheim ID 1361
I.Oropos 527
9413 |
Sosikrates |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
chariot: tethrippon (polikon)
Mannheim ID 1360
I.Oropos 527
9412 |
Dionysios |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
chariot: synoris (teleia)
Mannheim ID 1359
I.Oropos 527
9411 |
Men[ek]rates |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
riding: keles (polikos)
Mannheim ID 1358
I.Oropos 527
9410 |
Hermonax |
Magnesia on the Maeander (Caria)
chariot: synoris (polike)
I.Oropos 527
9409 |
[---]os |
Nikaia (Bithynia)
running: hoplites dromos
Mannheim ID 972
I.Oropos 527
9408 |
Stasias |
Thyateira (Lydia)
combat sports: pankration