Event: Straton or Stratonikos son of Korrhagos from Alexandria (Egypt)

Event ID 3477
Person Straton or Stratonikos son of Korrhagos from Alexandria in Egypt
Festival Nemea in Nemea (Kleonaia)
Discipline riding: ___
Age Category paides
Date -63 - -63
Achievement V
Comment: The athlete won here on one day four victories, both in paides- and in ageneioi-competitions. The Armenian translation of Eusebius' victor list adds a few lines here. Although there are some problems with the transmission and interpretation of these lines (see Christesen e.a. (2006) in Traditio 61, pp. 76-77 and n. 129), it suggests that Stratonikos competed at the Nemean games in equestrian events. This is entry 1/4.