Event: Ptoiodoros from Corinth? (Corinthia)

Event ID 1646
Person Ptoiodoros son of ___ from Korinthos? in Isthmos
Festival Isthmia in Isthmia (Corinthia)
Date -520 - -470
Achievement V
Comment: Mentioned in Pindar's 13th Olympian Ode, line 41, the grandfather of the Ode's subject, Xenophon; it is assumed that Ptoiodoros was from Corinth as his relative Xenophos. I follow Farrington (2012), no. 1.21 and p. 105 note 219 for the dating: he follows the scholiast for the family relations between the athletes mentioned in Pindar and thus estimates Ptoiodoros was active ca. two generations before Xenophon, who won the Olympics in 464 B.C. Curiously enough Farrington says the same about Ptoiodoros' presumed brother Terpsias, mentioned in line 42 of aforementioned poem, but gives for Terpsias another date range in the catalogue, viz. 520-500 B.C. It is not mentioned how often or in what discipline Ptoiodoros won, though Pindar talks about 'longer songs', and if that is supposed to be compared to the enumeration of victories of Thessalus, Ptoiodoros' son, which precedes line 41, we might assume Ptoiodoros won more than a single victory. - PK